Parts of Speech: Types, Functions, Examples, and How They Build Sentences

Parts of Speech: Types, Functions, Examples, and How They Build Sentences

As we all know, words combine to form a meaningful sentence. In English, each, word has a specific function and is classified into various parts of speech. Parts of speech are elements that charachterise a word’s function in a sentence. The fundamental purpose of parts of speech is to make sentences easy to read and comprehend.

Parts of Speech

English has numerous words that serve a purpose. Out of those, some of the words are used to describe an action, some to enhance the action, some to name and some to replace the name. As such the parts of speech are categorised into 8 depending on the purpose they serve.

They are –

  1. Nouns
  2. Pronouns
  3. Verbs
  4. Adverbs
  5. Adjectives
  6. Prepositions
  7. Conjunctions and
  8. Interjections

Parts of Speech with Examples

1. Noun

A noun is a type of word that stands for either a real thing or an idea. This can include living beings, locations, actions, characteristics, conditions, and concepts. Nouns can act as either the subject or the object in a sentence, phrase, or clause.

Function: Refers to objects or people

Examples: Houses, Chair, Richard.


  • Houses are costly.
  • This chair is made of plastic.
  • Richard is intelligent.

2. Pronoun

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun or a group of words that act like a noun. It helps to prevent us from repeating the same noun over and over again.

Function: Replaces a noun

Examples: You, he, it.


  • You are kind.
  • It is made of plastic.
  • He is intelligent.

3. Adjective

An adjective is a word that describes a noun or a pronoun. Its main purpose is to give more details and specify the amount or quality of the noun or pronoun it modifies.

Function: Describes a noun

Examples: super, blue, small.


  • Superbikes are expensive.
  • The blue seats are for kids.

4. Verb

A verb is a word or a set of words that shows an action, a condition, or an occurrence. It tells us what happens to someone or what someone or something does.

Function: Describes action or state

Examples: playing, walking, write.


  • We are playing hockey.
  • I am walking.
  • I like to write stories.

5. Adverb

An adverb is a type of word that usually changes or adds to the meaning of a verb, an adjective, another adverb, a determiner, a clause, a preposition, or even a whole sentence. Adverbs often describe how something is done, where it happens, when it occurs, how often it takes place, and to what degree or certainty. They help answer questions like how, in what way, when, where, and to what extent.

Function: Describes a verb, adjective, or adverb

Examples: Silently, carefully


  • She entered the room silently.
  • He drives the car carefully.

6. Preposition

A preposition is a type of word that connects or links other words, especially nouns, pronouns, or adjectives that come after it. These words help indicate things like location, movement, and direction.

Function: Links a noun to another word

Examples: by, on,around.


  • The ball is on the ground.
  • Cat is resting by the chair.
  • She went around the lake.

7. Conjunction

A conjunction is a type of word that links together clauses, sentences, or other words. Conjunctions can be used by alone or in pairs.

Function: Joins clauses and sentences

Examples: and, but, though, after


  • Do you like coffee or tea?
  • I am raising a cat and a dog.

8. Interjection

An interjection is a word or phrase that expresses sudden feelings like sadness or happiness.

Function: Shows exclamation

Examples: oh! wow!, alas! Hurray!


  • Wow! She is beautiful.
  • Woah he is good at cooking.
  • Hurray! Neeraj won the Gold medal in the Olympics.

Parts of Speech – Chart






Refers to Objects or People

window, Bikes

Bikes are affordable.

This window is made of glass.


Replaces a noun

he, it

He is a topper.

It is on the table


Describes a noun

Wonder, Grey


She is a wonder woman

He has grey hair


Describes action or state

Playing, running

I was playing cricket

The dog is running


Describes a verb, adjective or adverb

Slowly, too, very

He was playing cricket slowly.

The well is too deep


Links a noun to another word

On, under

The mouse is under the chair.

I am on the Dias.


Joins clauses and sentences

but, after

I have a bike but I do not drive.

I will have ice cream after finishing my lunch.


Shows exclamation


Oh! I passed the exam with distinction.

Hurray! India won Gold medals.

The English language consists of eight parts of speech: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. Each part plays a crucial role in sentence construction and helps in expressing ideas clearly. Understanding these parts of speech is essential for children as it aids in forming grammatically correct sentences and enhances their communication skills. This knowledge also contributes to improved reading and writing abilities, leading to better academic performance.

Center Point School’s curriculum is focused on building a strong grammatical foundation for students. Teachers here not only help students to form sentences easily but also boost their overall reading and writing skills. At Center Point School, we ensure lessons are engaging and foster effective communication and academic success. Our school is dedicated to nurturing each child’s potential and address individual learning needs.